Results for 'Gregorius de Holtum'

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  1. (1 other version)Zur thomistischen Lehre von realen Unterschied zwischen Wesenheit und Dasein in den Geschôpfen.G. Von Holtum - 1916 - Divus Thomas 3:291-306.
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    Gregorius VII en de onfeilbaarheid.L. Meulenberg - 1972 - Bijdragen 33 (2):135-151.
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    H. L. Davids: De Gnomologieēn van Sint Gregorius van Nazianze. Pp. 164. Nijmegen: Dekker en Van de Vegt, 1940. Paper.J. Tate - 1940 - The Classical Review 54 (02):114-.
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    R. B. C. Huygens: Magister Gregorius: Narracio de Mirabilibus Urbis Rome. Pp. 45. Leiden: Brill, 1970. Paper, fl. 8.P. G. Waish - 1974 - The Classical Review 24 (2):307-307.
  5. (1 other version)Gregorius Itelson.Otto Buck - 1926 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 31:428.
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    Uncontrollability: Autonomy and Critique of the Will in Hartmann’s Gregorius.Christian Schneider - 2024 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 98 (3):305-339.
    The themes of will and willing form a central but so far largely overlooked level of discourse in Hartmann’s Gregorius. At the heart of this discourse is the opposition between human and divine will, which is negotiated in terms of the tension between controllability and uncontrollability. To this end, Hartmann’s legendary romance takes recourse to a narrative pattern characteristic of, among others, the Latin legend of St. Brendan. Structuring the text and plot of Gregorius, it serves to present (...)
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  7. Hartmann von Aue, Gregorius, ed. Hermann Paul. 13th ed.; rev. Burghart Wachinger. (Altdeutsche Textbibliothek, 2.) Tübingen: Max Niemeyer, 1984. Paper. Pp. xxvi, 121. DM 10.80. [REVIEW]Sibylle Jefferis - 1986 - Speculum 61 (1):156-157.
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    Negaciones de la distinción real entre el intelecto agente y el posible en el s. XIV.Juan Fernando Sellés - 2012 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 29 (2):511-526.
    En este trabajo se estudia la versión del intelecto agente en cuatro pensadores poco conocidos del s. XIV: 1) Guillermo de Alnwick (Guillelmus de Alnwick). 2) Gregorio de Rimini (Gregorius Ariminensis). 3) Tomás de Bailly (Thomas de Bailly). 4) Pedro de Ailly (Petrus de Ailly).
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    Bemerkungen zur Hand des Theodoros Skutariotes.Raimondo Tocci - 2006 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 99 (1):127-144.
    Die Beschäftigung mit der Hand des Theodoros Skutariotes wird durch das Fehlen eines von ihm subskribierten Exemplars erschwert. Über seine Tätigkeit als Patriarchatsbeamter, Metropolit von Kyzikos und Chronist hinaus ist Theodoros der Forschung jedoch als Handschriftensammler und -besitzer bekannt. Ausgangspunkt jeder Untersuchung zu seinem Schriftstil sind deshalb die Marginalien der Kodizes, die sich in seinem Besitz befanden. Durch seinen autographen, monokondylischen Besitzervermerk †σϰουταϱϊώτου λευίτου θεοδώϱου† konnten bisher sechs Kodizes seiner Bibliothek zugeordnet werden: 1. Marcianus gr. 450, 9./10. Jh., Photius, Bibliotheca. (...)
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    Prontuario para una abadesa: El Escur. Φ III 11 e Irene Cumno (con una propuesta de la escritura inédita de Mateo Blastares).Teresa Martínez Manzano - 2021 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 114 (1):269-324.
    In this paper I firstly examine the contents of Escur. Φ III 11, which includes a medical section, an anthology of texts both sacred and profane, and the epistolar exchange between Gregorius Acindynus and Eirene Choumnos. Secondly I go through Eirene’s intellectual background and the books transcribed under her patronage. Thirdly I explain the role played by this Escurialensis in Eirene’s library and in the anti-Palamite circles. Fourthly, basing on different kinds of arguments, I attribute the copying of ff. (...)
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    Der Widerstand gegen Perera und seine Physik in der oberdeutschen Jesuitenprovinz.Ulrich G. Leinsle - 2014 - Quaestio 14:51-68.
    Beside from the Collegio Romano, the Jesuit Province of Upper Germany with its universities at Dillingen and Ingolstadt was a centre of the intellectual dispute about Perera. Especially his pupil Anton Balduin and the theologian Gregorius de Valencia are central to the controversy. Despite the restraint of the Rector Theodoricus Canisius in the disputations of Balduinus about physics there are theses that show the influence of Balduinus: indeterminate dimensions of prime matter, the question of a maximum and minimum in (...)
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    Divine Omniscience and Human Free Will: A Logical and Metaphysical Analysis.Ciro De Florio & Aldo Frigerio - 2019 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
    This book deals with an old conundrum: if God knows what we will choose tomorrow, how can we be free to choose otherwise? If all our choices are already written, is our freedom simply an illusion? This book provides a precise analysis of this dilemma using the tools of modern ontology and the logic of time. With a focus on three intertwined concepts - God's nature, the formal structure of time, and the metaphysics of time, including the relationship between temporal (...)
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    Postmodern Theory and Progressive Politics: Toward a New Humanism.Thomas de Zengotita - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book examines the lasting influence of the academic culture wars of the late 20th century on the humanities and progressive politics, and what to make now of those furious debates over postmodernism, multiculturalism, relativism, critical theory, deconstruction, post-structuralism, and so on. In an effort to arrive at a fair judgment on that question, the book reaches for an understanding of postmodern theorists by way of two genres they despised; and hopes, for that reason, to do them justice. The story, (...)
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    À propos d’une récente édition princeps.Paul Mattei - 2021 - Augustinianum 61 (2):579-597.
    A critical review of the editio princeps of the Liber Timothei episcopi de Pascha recently published by Pierre Chambert-Protat and Camille Gerzaguet in the coll. Sources chrétiennes. The article questions the editors’ thesis, at length developed in the Introduction, that the text is only the Latin translation, also known by Gregorius of Elvira and St. Augustine, of a Greek treatise apparently due to one Timothy, bishop of Cybistra in Cappadocia during the first half of the IVth century. It tries (...)
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    Climate change and individual responsibility. Agency, moral disengagement and the motivational gap.Wouter Peeters, Andries De Smet, Lisa Diependaele, Sigrid Sterckx, R. H. McNeal & A. D. Smet - 2015 - Palgrave MacMillan.
    If climate change represents a severe threat to humankind, why then is response to it characterized by inaction at all levels? The authors argue there are two complementary explanations for the lack of motivation. First, our moral judgment system appears to be unable to identify climate change as an important moral problem and there are pervasive doubts about the agency of individuals. This explanation, however, is incomplete: Individual emitters can effectively be held morally responsible for their luxury emissions. Second, doubts (...)
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    El giro de José Ortega y Gasset ante la idea del Estado. Del “estatismo” clásico germano de mocedad a la razón de Estado al servicio de la realidad nacional.Alejandro De Haro Honrubia - 2022 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 27 (2):7-34.
    Las siguientes páginas versan sobre la idea del Estado en la obra de José Ortega y Gasset, mostrando los cambios que en torno a aquella idea se producen en su pensamiento. En un primer periodo de mocedad, Ortega idealiza el papel de Estado influido por la tradición del pensamiento clásico y germano. En un segundo momento, a partir de la programática fecha de 1914, se producirá un giro en su pensamiento, quedando el Estado al servicio de la sociedad o la (...)
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    Verità della physis e menzogna sociale: Doktor Glas, un Übermensch fallito?Viviana Santovito - 2022 - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano 74 (2):167-180.
    Questo studio investiga quali siano i punti di contatto tra il filosofo tedesco Friedrich Nietzsche e lo scrittore svedese Hjalmar Söderberg nel romanzo di quest’ultimo Doktor Glas. L’articolo prende in esame due testi nietzschiani finora poco messi in relazione con l’opera söderberghiana, Über Wahrheit und Lüge im außermoralischen Sinne e Die fröhliche Wissenschaft, evidenziando gli influssi che il pensiero del filosofo tedesco ha esercitato sulla concezione del Doktor Glas. L’analisi prende le mosse dai concetti di menzogna e conoscenza così come (...)
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    April 1751 − Oktober 1751.Johann Christoph Gottsched - 2022 - De Gruyter.
    Christoph Otto von Schönaich hatte im März 1751 sein Epos Hermann, oder das befreyte Deutschland an Gottsched geschickt. Schönaichs Briefe des Bandes 17 dokumentieren Gottscheds intensive Beschäftigung mit dem Werk, das im September 1751 der Öffentlichkeit mit Gottscheds Einleitung als Nationalepos präsentiert wurde. Als Ratgeber oder Publizist unterstützte Gottsched auch weitere literarische Aktivitäten, so verdankt sich die erste deutsche Ausgabe der Satiren Antioch Dmitrijewitsch Kantemirs einer Anregung Gottscheds. Briefe aus Potsdam informieren über Publikationsvorhaben Julien Offray de La Mettries und anderer (...)
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    The Empire of the Tetrarchs: Imperial Pronouncements and Government A.D. 284-324 (review).Timothy David Barnes - 1998 - American Journal of Philology 119 (1):145-149.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Empire of the Tetrarchs: Imperial Pronouncements and Government a.d. 284–324T. D. BarnesSimon Corcoran. The Empire of the Tetrarchs: Imperial Pronouncements and Government a.d. 284–324. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996. xv 1 406 pp. Cloth, $85. (Oxford Classical Monographs)The four decades between the accession of Diocletian on 20 November 284 and the abdication of Licinius on 19 September 324 witnessed profound changes in the government and administrative structure of (...)
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    (1 other version)Intensive science and virtual philosophy.Manuel De Landa - 2002 - New York: Continuum.
    Intensive Science and Virtual Philosophy cuts to the heart of the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze and of today's science wars.At the start of the 21st Century, ...
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  21. The Samba Schools of Rio De Janeiro or the Domestication of an Urban Mass.Maria Isaura Péreira de Queiroz - 1985 - Diogenes 33 (129):1-32.
    Rio de Janeiro, the opening of the carnival. On the Friday evening preceding Mardi Gras, the mayor of Rio hands over the keys to the city to King Momo, sovereign of the carnival. Immediately the samba breaks out in the brightly lit streets of the city. Newspapers, magazines and television feature big headlines describing the event and glorifying the holiday kingdom. They all report that the city is being shaken by winds of madness, that licence and inversions of every variety (...)
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    Na lógica do tempo: ensaios de história das ideias políticas.Martim de Alburquerque - 2012 - Coimbra: Coimbra Editora.
    Le site d'éditeur indique : "Editam-se neste volume ensaios elaborados num período relativamente largo de algumas décadas. Apesar de escritos em tempo e com circunstâncias e fins diversos, a sua reunião num volume apresenta uma lógica não só de denominador comum - situam-se todos no campo da História das Ideias Políticas e do Direito -, mas de complementaridade, retoma e/ou desenvolvimento relativamente a aspectos abordados noutros estudos nossos no mesmo domínio. Integram-se, assim, na lógica do tempo próprio do autor.".
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    Phylogenetic definitions and taxonomic philosophy.Kevin de Queiroz - 1992 - Biology and Philosophy 7 (3):295-313.
    An examination of the post-Darwinian history of biological taxonomy reveals an implicit assumption that the definitions of taxon names consist of lists of organismal traits. That assumption represents a failure to grant the concept of evolution a central role in taxonomy, and it causes conflicts between traditional methods of defining taxon names and evolutionary concepts of taxa. Phylogenetic definitions of taxon names (de Queiroz and Gauthier 1990) grant the concept of common ancestry a central role in the definitions of taxon (...)
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    (1 other version)Um estudo sobre a relação do retorno da filosofia ao ensino médio com a procura pelo curso de filosofia da uva.Delano Carneiro de Almeida & Marcos Fábio Alexandre Nicolau - 2016 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 17 (14):80-94.
    O presente trabalho resulta de um estudo da reentrada do ensino de Filosofia no currículo do ensino médio e sua repercussão no curso de graduação em Filosofia ofertado pela Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú, em Sobral-CE, cujo objetivo é provocar uma reflexão sobre o ensino de Filosofia na educação básica de nível médio e a intensidade desse impacto com o retorno da disciplina. Assim, analisamos se esse impacto aconteceu de forma positiva ou negativa para o curso de Filosofia da UVA. (...)
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    O Sentido de Prudência na Ética de Espinosa.Adriana Chimenez Aviles de Lima - 2021 - Perspectivas 6 (1):178-188.
    Resumo Palavras-chave: Espinosa. Prudência. Regra prática. Sabedoria teórica. Vulgo. Este artigo propõe-se a analisar o sentido de prudência na Ética de Espinosa. Será examinado o modo como o filósofo apresenta sua noção de prudência ao comunicar suas ideias tanto ao não filósofo como a um leitor mais apto à compreensão da “verdadeira filosofia”. Espinosa escreve, no Tratado Teológico Político, que, para que seja entendido e ensinar qualquer doutrina ao gênero humano, terá de adaptar seus argumentos à compreensão de todos. Assim, (...)
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    La causalité de l'agent.Roberta de Monticelli - 1997 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 95 (4):673-688.
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    Excelencia e innovación en las tecnologías de la comunicación y de la imagen: Reconstrucción de un debate entre Wiesing, Levinson, Crowther y Seel.Carlos Ortiz de Landázuri - 2012 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 1 (2).
    Los criterios de excelencia e innovación a la hora de valorar las tecnologías de la comunicación se ven afectados por un gran número de factores, pero al final hay uno que prima sobre todos los demás: la calidad de la imágenes utilizadas, como sucede con National Geographic y Walt Disney, dos empresas de comunicación que han sido determinantes a la hora de fijar los criterios estándar de excelencia e innovación. En este contexto se reconstruye el debate contemporáneo entre Wiesing, Levinson, (...)
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    Freezing Fertility: Oocyte Cryopreservation and the Gender Politics of Aging by Lucy van de Wiel.Michiel De Proost - 2022 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 15 (2):178-182.
    Freezing Fertility: Oocyte Cryopreservation and the Gender Politics of Aging is the fourth path-breaking monography in the flourishing literature on egg freezing in just a few years. In April 2019, The Oocyte Economy: The Changing Meaning of Human Eggs by the renowned Australian social scientist Catherine Waldby, was published, the first book to examine the emergence of a global market for eggs through biomedical innovation. In September 2019, sociologist Kylie Baldwin of De Montfort University published Egg Freezing, Fertility and Reproductive (...)
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    De punctuatie en de exegese Van joh 1, 3. 4 in de traditie.I. de la Potterie - 1955 - Bijdragen 16 (2):117-135.
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    Etica ed economia nel pensiero di Francesco de Sarlo.Lucia Assunta De Siena - 2008 - Idee 67:103-127.
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  31. Historia de la filosofía colonial.Maspero de Cambria Florit & Susana Alicia - 1999 - Rio Cuarto: Centro Riocuartense de Estudios e Investigaciones Históricas. Edited by Cambria Florit & José Antonio.
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    (2 other versions)Coups de sonde dans la philosophie anglaise contemporaine.Yves Nolet de Brauwere - 1955 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 53 (39):402-419.
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  33. Secrecy in consequentialism: A defence of esoteric morality.Katarzyna de Lazari-Radek & Peter Singer - 2010 - Ratio 23 (1):34-58.
    Sidgwick's defence of esoteric morality has been heavily criticized, for example in Bernard Williams's condemnation of it as 'Government House utilitarianism.' It is also at odds with the idea of morality defended by Kant, Rawls, Bernard Gert, Brad Hooker, and T.M. Scanlon. Yet it does seem to be an implication of consequentialism that it is sometimes right to do in secret what it would not be right to do openly, or to advocate publicly. We defend Sidgwick on this issue, and (...)
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  34. Willwoll, Alejandro: Alma Y Espíritu.L. J. A. A. De & Staff - 1954 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 13 (51):697.
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    Teilhard de Chardin en Chine: correspondance inédite, 1923-1940.Pierre Teilhard de Chardin - 2004 - Paris: Muséum national d'histoire naturelle. Edited by Amélie Vialet & Arnaud Hurel.
    Au début du XXe siècle, si la Chine demeure encore largement une terre vierge pour les explorateurs occidentaux, elle fascine également les chercheurs. Qu'ils soient géographes, géologues, paléontologues ou préhistoriens, tous savent que de formidables découvertes restent à y faire. Suédois et Américains font rapidement le voyage vers l'Empire du Milieu, mais ce sont des Français qui, sur le terrain, vont écrire les plus belles pages de la découverte du Paléolithique de Chine, des premières industries lithiques à l'étude du gisement (...)
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  36. Reformed and evolutionary epistemology and the noetic effects of sin.Helen De Cruz & Johan De Smedt - 2013 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 74 (1):49-66.
    Despite their divergent metaphysical assumptions, Reformed and evolutionary epistemologists have converged on the notion of proper basicality. Where Reformed epistemologists appeal to God, who has designed the mind in such a way that it successfully aims at the truth, evolutionary epistemologists appeal to natural selection as a mechanism that favors truth-preserving cognitive capacities. This paper investigates whether Reformed and evolutionary epistemological accounts of theistic belief are compatible. We will argue that their chief incompatibility lies in the noetic effects of sin (...)
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  37. La construcción de la pandemia.Laura Nuño de la Rosa - 2021 - Revista de la Slmfce: Especial: Filosofía En Tiempos de Pandemia 1:8-12. Translated by Laura Nuño de la Rosa.
    La pandemia del COVID-19 constituye un caso de estudio fascinante desde la perspectiva de la filosofía de la ciencia, incluyendo los estudios de Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad (CTS) y, en particular, la filosofía de la biología. En este artículo abordo la deriva más polémica del debate clásico en torno al realismo científico, a saber: la discusión sobre la naturaleza de los hechos de los que se ocupan las ciencias.
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  38. Probabilism: A Critical Essay on the Theory of Probability and on the Value of Science.Finetti Bruno De - 1989 - Erkenntnis 31 (2-3):169 - 223.
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    O hibridismo na poesia de Florbela Espanca.Tatiane Maria Barbosa de Oliveira & Paulo Vitor de Souza Pinto - 2019 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 8 (2):81-90.
    Este artigo apresenta estudos sobre o hibridismo presente na poesia simbolista de Florbela Espanca (1894-1930). Temos como objetivo apresentar os resultados de uma investigação realizada sobre os traços híbridos que estão presentes nos sonetos Este Livro..., Eu, Mais Alto, Vaidade e Torre de Névoa, observando de que maneira tais traços se apresentam em cada soneto, suas influências e a contribuição de diferentes estéticas na construção da poesia de Florbela Espanca.
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    (1 other version)Sur l'Existence de Fonctions Récurrentes.Constantino M. de Barros - 1962 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 8 (2):117-123.
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  41. (1 other version)Filosofía de la estética.Jaime María de Mahieu - 1950 - San Luis,:
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  42. Lineas fundamentales de la filosofía de John Dewey..Mendoza de Montero & AngéLica[From Old Catalog] - 1940 - Buenos Aires,:
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    La cristología pneumática en el De montibus Sina et Sion.Patricio de Navascués - 2001 - Augustinianum 41 (1):5-25.
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    Filosofie van de taal: een historisch-systematische inleiding.Wilhelmus Antonius de Pater - 1986 - Leuven: Acco.
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    La Justification du principe de non-contradiction.Thomas de Praetere - 1998 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 96 (1):51-68.
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    A Conversão em Clemente de Roma Metanoia, uma palavra chave.Pio G. Alves de Sousa - 1987 - Augustinianum 27 (1-2):33-44.
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    José iran nobre de Sena.Dayvide Magalhães de Oliveira - 2020 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 11 (22):15-17.
    Quando o professor José Iran entrou como professor do quadro efetivo do DFIL,em 2003, faltavam apenas dois períodos para eu concluir meu curso de graduação.Nenhuma das disciplinas que eu estava matriculado era ministrada pelo professor José Iran. Não o conhecia ainda. Além disso, havia umas disciplinas que eu precisava estar matriculado, e Filosofia do Direito, à época uma disciplina optativa, não era definitivamente uma dessas disciplinas necessárias naquele contexto. Não era necessária para mim, mas alguns amigos fizeram a matrícula em (...)
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    ALBIAC, GABRIEL, Diccionario de adioses, Seix Barral, Barcelona, 2005, 411 págs.Carlos Ortiz de Landázuri - 2006 - Anuario Filosófico:213-214.
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    Écrits du temps de la guerre (1916-1919).Pierre Teilhard de Chardin - 1965 - Paris,: B. Grasset.
    Essais que composait Teilhard de Chardin dans les tranchées alors qu'il était brancardier au cours de la Grande Guerre. [SDM].
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    Symbols and embodiment: debates on meaning and cognition.Manuel de Vega, Arthur M. Glenberg & Arthur C. Graesser (eds.) - 2008 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Cognitive scientists have a variety of approaches to studying cognition: experimental psychology, computer science, robotics, neuroscience, educational psychology, philosophy of mind, and psycholinguistics, to name but a few. In addition, they also differ in their approaches to cognition - some of them consider that the mind works basically like a computer, involving programs composed of abstract, amodal, and arbitrary symbols. Others claim that cognition is embodied - that is, symbols must be grounded on perceptual, motoric, and emotional experience. The existence (...)
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